This month

Have a look at this month’s “What’s On?” sheet to find out what is currently happening at St Mark’s.

You can find out more about our regular activities further down this page…



Our main Sunday service is at 10.30am and lasts for around one hour. The central focus is meeting Jesus in the Bible as it is read, explained and responded to in prayer and praise.

The first Sunday of the month is (usually) an “All Age Service”. There is a creche for pre-school children. The creche room has an audio-visual (Zoom) feed from the service so there is no need to miss out while watching over the children.

On other Sundays there is creche, and separate groups for Key Stage 1 and 2 children.

The third and fifth Sundays of the month include Holy Communion.


Mission Prayer on the third Sunday at 5pm.

Evening Prayer on the final Sunday at 6.30pm.

And occasional seminar series on the final Sunday at 7.45pm.

Home groups

It is good to belong to a large group who meet week by week as God’s family. But it is also good to meet with a smaller number of folks in a more informal setting. We have six small groups that meet to study the Bible and encourage one another along the journey of faith. They meet around the parish and wider area, some in the daytime, some in the evening.

Currently the groups look at the part of the Bible that was the focus of the Sunday talk, and members encourage each other to respond to what we discover by the way we live day by day.


Sticky Fingers

Group for all pre-school children and their carers. We meet on Tuesday at 9.15 am - 10.45 am in term time in St Mark’s Church Hall. A welcoming group for all pre-school children, toddlers and babies, and their carers. Toys, a craft activities, songs and refreshments for children, conversation and coffee for grown-ups! Find us on Facebook for more details

Our children and youth leadership team are all registered with the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), and we operate the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy that ensures that children are always safe.


Senior citizens

Tuesday Fellowship

an afternoon meeting with senior citizens in mind, meeting most Tuesday afternoons in the church hall from 2pm. The Fellowship has a range of guest speakers, and a time to sing hymns, pray and hear the Christian message. The image is from the 2023 Garden Party, with the “Sing Me, Liverpool” Choir.

Christianity Explored

It isn’t necessary to have it all worked out before you can come to St Marks! Often folks are “just looking” at the Christian faith. “Christianity Explored” is an informal way to find answers to those questions.

Who is it for? Anyone who wants to find out what Christianity is really about, and whether its claims are true. We assume no previous knowledge about God, the Bible, Church … or anything! As well as those “just looking”, it is also good for new-ish Christians, and those who want to go over the basics again.

What happens? An evening consists of discussion, looking at one of the Bible’s accounts of the life of Jesus, and explaining what the Bible says about a given issue. Some people prefer to just sit and listen to what others say. Others like to come with all sorts of questions of their own. You will not be asked to read aloud, pray, or sing. You can ask any questions you want.

When? Usually twice a year.